Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Conservatism and Free Love

"Where is the love?" many ask when it comes to conservatism. We cannot see it although conservative doctrine is interwoven with pure love and charity toward all men and women and LGBT and children because it is out of love that conservatism teaches - "Each according to the dictates of his own conscience."

The failure of authoritarian, socialist, communist, and fascist governments comes from having the idea of love one for another and to the failure of executing love one for another. It is plain fact that the bureaucrat by virtue of the system cannot compassionately act, or out of love benefit his fellow man because his/her conscience is heavily regulated by laws and policy. She must ignore her conscience and act on the rules. This negates her compassion and makes her rather a subject of the system.

In all fairness it is not fair. Fairness would mean having every opportunity to make your own life grand, and being imbued with the ambition to make it so. But ambition is literally sucked out of the majority if their necessities are already being met.

Let us present a case:

Scott is an ambitious fellow who has a knack for fixing damaged cars. He has 3 children with his wife and absolutely refuses to use the system to feed or care for his family. He's in a conundrum because A.) the kids need food, clothing, and a warm place to live and B.) he is in a town he loves and does not want to leave that has a weak economy.

His solution is to buck up, man up, start a business out of nothing and use profit to invest in his enterprise. He sacrifices sleep, time, shoe leather, and time with family to get his business running. Today he runs a successful shop making six figures monthly in a depressed town in Eastern Idaho. Because he was highly motivated by the need to feed his family, provide insurance, and give them a home Scott is an example of how America ought to be.

On to the welfare state:

Nate is a stay-at-home dad who has plenty of free time while his wife takes a few minutes here and there to care for their three children. They are on food stamps, so Nate doesn't worry about feeding his family. He's on unemployment for six months out of the year because it's an option. They are currently manipulating the system to provide disability by claiming back and joint issues that could prevent Nate from working. Their housing costs are minimal because the government pays for nearly the entire rent bill, and utilities are the same.

They've been on this path for years and neither person has had any reason to do anything productive or beneficial for their lives. They have zero ambition because they have no need for ambition. Ambition, goals, and drive have been stolen from them by the system.

Thus I present to you the light and darkness of modern America.

Socialism and all its versions have the idea that we need to love on another and act out of compassion one for another and I agree. We should. But act with compassion as a community and never as a government entity. If your neighbor is suffering in some way, and you can help then you should help. If you do not help then that is your choice and it should be respected. You should not be taxed to help out the less fortunate because out of love you should help as much as you can at a personal level. That is what conservatism believes.

That is what most churches use tithing for. You voluntarily pay a tithe on your income, and that tithe that you have voluntarily paid is used to do good within the community. You should never be taxed, you should never be manipulated, and you should never be forced. Love one for another is an idea best executed at a personal level, but the system currently in place has altered man's love, and it has "waxed cold." (Matt. 24:12)

We are interested only in ourselves, and wickedly suspicious of our neighbors who we have been taught could be perverts, thieves, molesters, con men, manipulative, cold, rude, psychopathic, or even murderers!

We are taught to fear our neighbor. Every day we are presented with stories, and soundbites and articles showing us the worst of the worst. As a consequence we have lost our love and compassion for our fellow man. Socialism claims that this system was created to implement love for one another. Why should we worry about our neighbor if their suffering can be "easily" alleviated by the government? We wash our hands of this.

Conservatism answers: because the welfare state is too cumbersome to last. What happens when "Big Momma" collapses?

What happens when the food stamps stop coming? When the healthcare costs are so astronomical only the super elite can afford it? When your housing can no longer be paid for or maintained, and you have spent your life dependent on these systems, which have imbued you with a feeling of entitlement?

If you are like any and all persons throughout history who have experienced this kind of collapse then the answer is - you lose your mind. Rather than banding together to support one another you steal, assault, abandon, burn, and yes - kill to get what you need. You are human and are driven by your body's needs. Your public education has never helped, and you've never needed to engage your intellect so you are out for number one. So much for loving one another.  So much for the great utopia.

And yet the left claims to love you. Anyone who truly loves you would not set you up for failure, or oppression. They would give you the protection you need to act by your conscience and make your own decisions. They would provide tough love and allow you to grow. They would construct a nation where opportunity could abound for everyone able and admonish you to serve one another. That is the love that conservatism teaches, and it is the only way to build a successful civilization.

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