Monday, April 25, 2016

No Left, Right, Up, Down, or In-Between


There are values and principles the general population seems to be ignorant of, are completely ignoring, or have lost from their personal natures, altogether. These principles need a reawakening because we are destroying ourselves, our country, and our world. We are not "in danger" of this great destruction - it is upon us.

Having ingrained these particular principles into my subconscious for 36 agonizing, trying years I can make snap decisions about what is right, and what is wrong, about relationships, self-actualization, about rhetoric, legislation, and campaigns.

I will share these principles with you later.

Open Thy Mouth

Speak that I may know thee, said a great philosopher. Ye shall know them by their fruits, said another. Frogs in the slowly heating water is what we are. The world is on fire, and we are up to our eyeballs in filth, corruption, self-deception, and degradation. We are moving backwards at such a fast pace the blur in our peripheral looks like it's propelling us forward. It is difficult to look at, and because of our nature, it is easy to ignore. Because of technology, it is easy to ignore. Because of the grand design of our media and the nature of our leadership it is easy to ignore.


In November all but one goes home, so any opinion on the candidates in the race of 2016 become immediately outdated, uninteresting, and irrelevant. Rather I will present values and principles upon which to judge and measure nearly every aspect of your life - from family to laws, from self to state, right and wrong, and decisions for the next life.


Since everything must be peer-reviewed, credentials drawn and experience summarised in order to create (the illusion of) authority may I present mine.

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management, and an MBA with an emphasis in marketing. I am a business manager in a "conservative" state where every election is as predictable as the sunrise. I am a reluctant member of the Republican party but disagree with their perceptions of conservatism, power, money, campaigns, etc., etc., etc. I have been affiliated with conservative groups like the John Birch Society, but I've never been a member.

I am a student of history, my studies going back millennia. I enjoy ancient history through the time of Henry II of Britain because of what it reveals about us as a race. I will also share these insights with you. I am a student of the French Revolution not because it was a success (it was not), but because of what it reveals about a people in the age of decadence, about the inevitable and devastating division between the rich and poor, and how that relates to us TODAY.

I am religious. I have great knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ which is beneficial in this respect because it involves us as a race. I have been a missionary, dedicated to two years of teaching, preaching and baptising on behalf of my faith. During those years, I gained enormous and potentially life-saving insights into the scriptures, into human nature, and into ancient history.


The goal is to talk about conservatism as it applies to the American ideal, as it applies to where we were, where we are, and where we are going. I will talk about things no one else will for fear of retaliation, for fear of losing their jobs, their respect, their friends or family. "He that loveth these more than me . . ." kind of thing. Because there are truths that transcend relationships, laws, and self. These apply to a life well-lived and a huge part of that are decisions regarding your government. 

Government rarely helps. More often it hinders, more often it stifles, more often it ruins. We have but to explore the history of empires to witness government's bitter fruit, and disasterous failures.

It All Depends

On you. Yeah I've heard that before! Well, it does. Every day you make hundreds, if not thousands of decisions that affect your 'self', those around you, and in essence, those around those who are around you. You are a small stone thrown into a large pond a billion times during your life, and every ripple has an effect. The comforting thing? You have all the control in the universe about how those ripples affect your world.

Step 1:

Give a crap. Curb stomp your apathy. Every day that you can, curb stomp that useless state of being. It was apathy that destroyed nations, it will be apathy that destroys ours. Apathy to principles, values, right, and wrong have only one consequence; devastation.

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