Thursday, July 7, 2016

One of The Worst Words

The biggest threat to our individual liberty and rights is summed up in one word; discrimination. Its use has become perverted and leveraged against the idea of America and her laws. Worse still discrimination is being used to justify damaging and destructive lifestyles by making such things legal, and thereby permissible. But it is much more subversive than that.

By ruling in favor of "anti-discrimination" the courts have opened the door to justify, and legalize nearly any behavior or lifestyle. Worse still these plaintiffs follow the "give a mouse a cookie" analogy. Give a mouse a cookie, he's gonna want a glass of milk. Give a mouse a glass of milk he will ask you for a straw. When he's finished he'll ask you for a napkin. Pretty soon you'll be placing one lifestyle above another until anti-discrimination rulings and legislation create an environment where discrimination becomes the stick by which nearly all decisions are measured.

"In order to obey the law," says the business owner/employee/policeman, "I must discriminate so I don't discriminate."

That's what we call an oxymoron (emphasis on the moron), or paradox. The two ideas cannot coexist, no matter how many rules you write around it.

Laws passed or rulings made that give one person or race, or preference, or identity, or gender, or sexual orientation power or preference over another instantly creates inequality. It does not resolve inequality. It makes inequality worse.

When the idea of inequality and discrimination become agitated within a society, and the situation feels like inequality has grown worse, and discrimination has grown worse, society suffers. The children become raised in a lie that tells them to be angry, hateful, vengeful, and easily offended.

A civilization that teaches this to its children is literally on its last legs. It will all be over soon. And its collapse will be unparalleled throughout history in its enormity and horror. A people who are angry, hateful, vengeful, and easily offended cannot shoulder the responsibilities and commitment it takes to manage a government. They have not the character, the strength, the core of principles to take on the weight of government. Corruption reigns and the people suffer.

But the question must be asked; is this attitude and stupidity simply the consequence of having an advanced civilization, or is it engineered? Are we being taught by example, by media, by subtle and long shifts in culture, and by the erosion of morals and ethics, and by slow and steady embracing of evil philosophies? All you have to do is look, really look with a strong sense of right and wrong and you will see that the shift is not accidental. It is deliberate. You can witness it all throughout history.

When the French in 1789 felt inspired to establish a free society their initial efforts were productive and promising. Soon their fear of reprisal by the aristocracy and the poor alike (the poor were steadily starving to death) led to finger pointing, and blaming, and fleeing from the responsibilities they had taken upon themselves. France's people already had a weakened character and were effeminate and emotionally immature.

Within months violence not only erupted, but became the answer to everything. Soon France became one of the most dangerous places in the world to be. This environment became ground rich for the rule of the most wicked of men including Maximilien Robespierre, and later Napoleon Bonaparte, who shook the world with his warfare.

They glorified mass murderers like Jean-Paul Marat and vilified the propaganda of Jacque Louis David. These murderers thrived on the emotionally unstable, and the easily offended. They pushed for legislation and powers that would place the fearful and self-centered above others in the population.

The people worshiped the wicked, selfish, immoral, and unsteady and have suffered ever since.

In the U.S. the laws and rulings in favor of discrimination laws empower the unsteady, weak, immoral, impractical, and selfish. Discrimination legislation and court rulings undermine strong foundations of civilization which have always kept society free, prosperous, strong, virtuous, and a power to be contended with by giving unfair voice and influence to persons who have only their self-interest and agenda in mind. This is why you are constantly berated by news and posts and coverage of stories that promote a lopsided view of racism, discrimination, and "inequality." Some pernicious groups want to strip you of your freedom of choice, and of your freedom to think for yourselves to cause a destabilization of society.

A fearful and easily offended population is so much easier to manipulate and control, and you are being suckered right into it. Fight on the side of forgiveness. Being offended will never help you, but will cause you to suffer and undermine a free society. Discrimination exists, but it should never be a subject of laws and government. Governments are never benevolent. They are a necessary evil to protect your rights. They will shift your views and perspectives to gain more power, and give you less and less in return. Do not get sucked in by it. Choose to be better.

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